Sunday 7 October 2007

Pictures of the puppies

The remaining puppies are doing fine, their eyes and ears are already fully opened and they seem to react to movement now.

I finally got around to transferring some pictures to my machine, so here they come :)
From bottom to top, we have Benkei (male, 700g) , Gozen (female, 207g) and Isami (male, 600g). At this point, Benkei isn't doing much apart from sleeping and eating. Isami is already exploring the basket and its surroundings. Gozen doesn't sleep or eat much, but she has already explored a few rooms in the house. She often cries until picked up while the boys are sleeping.

Isami thinks he's John Travolta

Isami still thinking he's John Travolta

As soon as I'm done with the kikkogumi (might take some time as I'm busy preparing the new bedroom), I'll start braiding double-pickup harnesses (with their names) for the puppies.

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